Photos for 2003
Here are some images from some recent live performances.
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Pete Morton, songwriter and balladeer, from October 25. |
The Swedish group Väsen,
in their incarnation as a trio: Mikael Marin, viola; Olov Johansson, nyckelharpa;
Roger Tallroth, guitar. They appeared October 18.
Allan Taylor, the fine English singer and songwriter,
who joined us on September 6. |
This shot of Gabriel Yacoub and his touring
partners comes from the
colorful backstage area of the old Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse. From the left: Vincent Leutreau,
Sylvie Berger, Yacoub. The interview aired August 16. |
Deborah Pardes, local singer-songwriter active in Artists for Literacy, from August 2. |
Paul Sartin from the English duo Belshazzar’s Feast, from a July 19 appearance. |
Sea chantey specialists and Hyde Street Pier habitués
Richard Adrianowicz and Riggy Rackin, from June 14. |
Priscilla Herdman, who joined us live on June 7. |
Members of Broceliande, from a May 3 appearance:
Margaret Davis and Kristoph Klover; Kris Yenney. |
Claudia Schmidt, with the legendary gaptoothed smile,
from a March 15 appearance. |
John McCutcheon dropped in to offer some timely songs
on January 11 of this year. |