Leon Rosselson and Robb Johnson

The program for July 30, 2011, featured a live appearance by English singer/songwriters Leon Rosselson and Robb Johnson. We also included a brief tribute to the late Bill Morrissey.

Artist Song Title Album (Label)
Steve Tilston Nottamun Town Return The Reckoning (Hubris)
Leon Rosselson with Liz Mansfield Across the Hills Guess What They're Selling at the Happiness Counter (Fuse)
Maggie Holland Time Is Flying Circle of Light (Irregular)
New Set
Julie Fowlis A Chatrion' Òg Uam (Cadiz Music)
Robb Johnson & Pip Collings Heart's Desire Heart's Desire (Irregular)
Maggie Holland Night Café Circle of Light (Irregular)
Steve Tilston Sovereign of Tides The Reckoning (Hubris)
Robb Johnson Au Depart The Big Wheel (Irregular)
Leon Rosselson (Chris Foster, Sianed Jones) All That Is Different Is Part of the Dance Intruders (Fuse)
Robb Johnson & Pip Collings Weathering the Storm Heart's Desire (Irregular)
Leon Rosselson Abiezer Coppe The World Turned Upside Down: Rosselsongs 1960–2010 (PM Press)
Live segment:
Robb Johnson Hey Abbie (live)
Leon Rosselson The Morning Star of the Revolution / The Roots of the Liberty Tree The Liberty Tree: A Celebration of the Life and Writings of Thomas Paine (PM Press)
Leon Rosselson Conversation on a Mobile (live)
Robb Johnson Don't Close the Bar (live)
Leon Rosselson & Robb Johnson Red and Green / The World Turned Upside Down (live)
Leon Rosselson You Noble Diggers All Harry's Gone Fishing (Gadfly)
New Set
Bill Morrissey Turn and Spin You'll Never Get to Heaven (Philo)
Bill Morrissey Walk Down These Streets Night Train (Philo)
Greg Brown & Bill Morrissey Ain't Life a Brook Friend of Mine (Philo)
New Set
Judy Mayhan Ne Me Quitte Pas (faded) When I Think of You (Shayomi Productions)